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Tech terms you should know

For most of us, technology is an integral part of our everyday lives. Many of us, however, still are hazy on a number of common technology terms. Fortunately, for those that are confused, we have created a mini glossary of common tech terms you should be familiar with.   Cookies Cookies are what allow websites to know who you are. If you allow cookies, your web browser will automatically supply your information such as username, password or preferences. They are convenient because they save you from having to reenter your information every time you visit a website.   Cookies are also seen by some as a privacy issue. Since they store your information and track your activity, somebody could easily access your data. You can protect yourself, however, by using cookies sparingly.   URL A URL, which is short for uniform resource locator, is essentially the web address of a website. It is what you type into the address bar of a browser when you would like to be directed to a web page.   Cloud Cloud is one of the most used terms in technology these days yet it still has quite a few people scratching their heads. The cloud is made up of web-based services that you can use on any computer without purchasing hardware or installing software. Google Docs and Facebook are among the most common cloud services today.   Flash   Flash is an Adobe Systems-owned platform that allows for great web interactivity. Installing a Flash plug-in on your browser makes it possible for you to view animations, certain displays and videos. Although Flash has been the longtime standard, HTML5 is surfacing as a valid competitor.   Although tech terms can get quite complicated at times, knowing the basics can help you to better understand the technology we’re using every day.   For more tech terms and their meanings, check out this glossary.